Saturday, February 2, 2008

I am war

If the current U.S. administration were gone tomorrow, there would still be war in the Middle East. There would still be wars throughout central Africa, southern Asia, the island countries of the Pacific, and countries near the equator in the Americas.

In the past I was overwhelmed, paralyzed with the notion that the problem of war is too large, too difficult, and, moreover, someone else's problem -- after all, it's the terrorist who is fighting, or the military, or the current administration, not me. "I am war" takes ownership. "I am war" puts me in a position to act.

I understand that I own my life, my choices. I understand I'm not the victim of politicians, leaders, the state, or the corporation. I understand that I am in a community of people. I understand that I have the tools to do this. I am the politician, leader, state, and corporation. I own this.

I understand that politicians will be politicians; I understand that those who benefit from the status quo of war will be slow to change, and that I must lead and act for peace if progress is to be made.

"I am war" targets the root causes of armed conflicts. "I am war" takes the stance of action, of creation, and of results.

If we -- you and I -- are fighting in the Middle East to protect our oil interests, then let's become independent of oil for energy, and teach the world how to do the same. If Mexicans are killing each other for the opportunity to bring cocaine into the U.S., then let's help our friends quit using it. If lack of civil rights gives birth to violent attacks, then let's teach our family at home to be a beacon for the world.

What is different, today?

Today we have instant communication. We can collaborate and plan in minutes what would take previous generations days, and still-previous generations months. We have records that can be saved indefinitely, shared across the world within a minute. We can keep in touch without the need for expensive correspondence.

We have access to a history that teaches us war is not the answer. As we discover what works, the world will know and never forget.

The sheer number of people who have completed higher education allows us to be more articulate and communicative of our cause.

We have tools to help us work together. We will build even better tools, targeted at war.

"I am war" is my answer to the question, "What can I do?" I don't know what it is exactly, but I'm about to find out.

I am war. This is the start of a group with that underlying philosophy, with the same name. I will be outlining more of my vision within the coming weeks. If you are passionate about being a part of it then, please, contact me now. Email me at phil.manijak [at]

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