Being lost is the only way to be. If you're not lost Feeling lost is Being lost is the only way to be. How can we avoid it, being humans as we are? Our collective memory is an afterthought of the universe. In four generations, where will you be? In forty-thousand generations, will there be any of us left? In 40 million generations, what will we have left to say? Is 40 As we worry about the rat race, our spark of consciousness remains short and frg fragile. To what end do we work? Our creation has been successful We've already won. We're here.
So now what? The universe provides little answers. History tells us that we are going to die, that people will forget who we are, and continue to struggle, as they live focused on their lives. What we have are our lives; perhaps all we can do is celebrate that, and confront those who and work to limit its destruction. Of course, I am referring to all of us our lives, not merely the few who are reading these words. Where do we want to live? We can make that place – that is the task of the modern person, to be deliberate, because it is an option now.
And then we'll leave, whether or not we do what we set out to do. It is our destiny to struggle with this world and these brains, and that is all. Whether we have a choice to be lost is not in our hands, we simply are.
As we attempt to conquer a universe that has already conquered us, we search for constants that help us forget our enslavement; and this is who we are all we can find is what the universe has given us – our morality, our drive to live one more day.
And so, do what you want. The universe has us, and owes us nothing. Most of the people we meet don't tend to think in those terms I propose we do what we can to end suffering. , starting with its worst forms We will not succeed. but we will live, So what.
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