A great person once wrote, "If we just share all the precious, bottled up passions inside us that we all hold so close, too scared to reveal and expose to the light, for fear of what-have-you, then people will say, 'You know, that's exactly how I feel,' and things will be good."
I thought, "There's some truth to that," and I started writing. So, here's what's on my mind, today:
I think diamonds and cars are a waste of money. I think people take sex and pornography far, far too seriously.
I think if you cook half your meals, refrain from purchasing any food in a bag or box, and buy local first and organic second, you'll live a lot better. I think it's a good idea to exercise eight hours per week.
I think people can and should use the Internet and computer software to organize socially and politically for change. I think most people think they are too busy to do anything about important issues, such as race, gender, pollution and education; I think most people lie to themselves every day and fall for it. I think 10% of the world finishes what they set out to do; those 10% are in charge.
I think Libertarian politics should be applied on a federal level. I think Green politics should be applied on a local and state level. I think people should have a choice on all levels. I think equal opportunity for advancement should be the government's only goal; everything comes from there.
I think if instead of race, people were to work the problem of poverty, the problem of race would solve itself. I think we are all uncertain of ourselves during many times of our lives, and those who are not have not experienced enough.
I think most things today are not hard in the United States. I think we're lucky, to live here and now. I think the people before us accrued an enormous amount of knowledge, and we should take advantage of it. I think we have an enormous responsibility to help the rest of the world -- the 5.7 billion other people -- be in a position to make their own decisions, like us, without fear of disease, drought, starvation or attack.
I think violence is a symptom of absolute failure.
I think we are the only cause of our problems, today, here. I think there is a lot of work to do in our own town. I think educating our selves, our elders, our siblings and our children should be the utmost. I think treating our towns as if we will live here for the next million years is a good idea. I think it's healthy to know you're going to die in about 50 years. I think humility is important.
I think candor and trust are the only way to go. I think writing on the weekend is important. I think playing sports is a good social activity. I think we are easily impressed upon by others, subconsciously.
I think the great leaders and writers of the past were just people, like you and I. I think Shakespeare and Plato were men; I think it's important to remember that. I think great music should have something to say.
I think reading is important. I think self-reflection is helpful; I think after a while you just have to try it. I think if you focus on yourself, and you act upon your passions, dreams and ideals, everything else will follow.
I think the benefits of wind power, recycling, reusing, voting, being active in politics, bicycling, and reducing poisons in the home are so obvious and elemental, I almost forgot to include them here.
I think traveling should involve a lot of walking, a few maps and train tickets, a relaxed attitude, and not a lot of fancy hotels.
I think tickling is overrated. I think moaning during sex is a good idea. I think everyone should get themselves off as often as they'd like.
I think it's good to not take yourself too seriously. I think I've written enough.